Futaba R617FS 2.4GHZ FASST RX 7CH Aircraft Receiver

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  • FEATURES: High sensitivity receiver weighs only .25oz (7g) without case yet is a full range system for all aircraft from giant scale to park flyer
  • INCLUDES: Futaba R617FS 2.4GHz FASST 7-Channel Receiver

  • This is the Futaba R617FS 2.4GHz FASST 7-Channel Park Flyer to Giant Scale Aircraft Receiver. FEATURES: High sensitivity receiver weighs only .25oz (7g) without case yet is a full range system for all aircraft from giant scale to park flyer applications-no need to buy separate receiver for specific aircraft Simple one-touch linking - no plugs to mess with or lose Dual Antenna Diversity allows 2.4GHz FASST Futaba transmitter to select the best reception between the two receiver antennas with nosignal loss Rubber grommets installed where antennas exit to eliminate stress and fraying of the two antenna wires One year limited warranty YOU WILL RECEIVE: Futaba R617FS 2.4GHz FASST 7-Channel Receiver SPECIFICATIONS: Size: 1.6 x 1.1 x .35" (40 x 27 x 9mm) Power Requirement: 4.8 - 6V Current Drain: 80mA (at no signal), 74 mA(w/ signal no servos on 4.8)Weight: 0.34oz (9.8g) with case, 0.25oz (7g) without case
    Brand: Futaba, Model: FUTL7627

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