Beatles Yellow Submarine Plastic Model Kit!

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  • Skill Level 2 For ages 10 and up
  • Glue and Paint Required,BUT NOT INCLUDED
  • Includes Decals and Easy to foloow instructions
  • 9 Inches long

  • This is The Beatles Yellow Submarine and Beatles Display Plastic Model Kit from MPC by Round2. Suitable for Ages 12 & Up. FEATURES: Detailed plastic pieces molded in yellow with chrome parts Just wind it up and it actually moves submerges to the periscope tower and glides through the water Moving propeller and rudder Open the hatches to see Captain Fred and the "nowhere man" himself, Jeremy Hilary Boob Bonus: Beatles display stand Waterslide decals Illustrated instructions INCLUDES: One plastic model REQUIRES: Assembly Hobby knife (RMX886909) Plastic cement (HCAR3415) Sprue cutters (HCAR0630) Paint (Cadmium Yellow Light, Dark Yellow, Sand, Chevrolet Engine Red) SPECS: Length: 9" (228.6mm) Skill level: 2
    Brand: MPC, Model: MPC779

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