Whynter ARC-148MHP Portable Air Conditioner and Heater, 14000 BTU

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Brand Whynter
Model ARC-148MHP
Color White

  • Four Operational Modes: Auto, Cool, Dehumidify, and Fan. Fan settings include 3 speeds with directional air discharge louvers
  • Adjustable temp (62 -88 degrees F), 24-hr. programmable timer, 71 pints/day dehumidifying capacity with continuous, manual, and Auto Pump drain methods
  • Noise Level: 55 dBA, air flow (at high speed): 497m3/h / 292 CFM, maximum power consumption: 1580W / 11.9A, and power supply: 115 V / 60Hz
  • UL listed, LCDI plug, R-410A refrigerant, single hose, 3M Filter and Silver shield washable pre-filter
  • Remote control, extendable exhaust hose (up to 59"), and upgraded plastic window kit (up to 48") included. Max. window kit length = 48" , Min. window kit length = 26.5"

  • The ARC-148MHP portable air conditioner provides superior 14,000 BTU cooling output while maintaining a compact and portable profile. This unit features advanced self-evaporating technology, which uses and recycles moisture collected during the cooling process to produce cool air and minimize condensate build-up. It also features an auto-restart function which allows it to automatically restart on the previous settings after a power outage. Additionally, the unit can also be programmed with a 24hr timer to activate or shut-off at preset times. This unit also features a separate dehumidifying mode that enables it to be used as a room dehumidifier as needed. A 3M Filter and Silver shield washable pre-filter are equipped standard on this air conditioner to help keep the cooled air cleaner and fresher. This highly functional unit combines smart styling and impressive cooling output for the most demanding applications. The Whynter ARC-148MHP is recommended for spaces up to a 500 sq. ft. (ambient temperature and humidity may influence optimum performance).

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