Vornado 184 Whole Room Tower Air Circulator Fan, 41"

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Brand Vornado
Model FA1-0024-06
Color Black
Size 41 INCH

  • Vornado's signature V-Flow Technology provides complete circulation of all the air in a room
  • Powerful motor produces higher volume of air movement up to 500 cu ft. per minute and pushes air up to 100 feet
  • Unique crosscut outlet create a wide span of constant airflow, eliminating the need for a wobbly oscillating base
  • 4 speed settings and energy LED saving timer with 1, 2, 4, and 8 hour intervals
  • Whisper-quiet operation and backed by a 5-year limited warranty. Blade Diameter : 4.039.5 Inch
  • Built to meet U.S. voltage requirements. Certified, safety-tested, and warrantied for use only in the U.S.

  • The Vornado 184 Whole Room Tower Circulator offers a more effective way to circulate air with V-Flow Circulation. Typical tower fans oscillate due to a limited range of air movement, so you feel the airflow for only seconds at a time. With V-Flow Circulation, a high volume of air is continuously moving throughout the room, creating quiet, comfortable whole room circulation. The Vornado Tower Circulator features uniquely contoured air outlets that create a wide span of constant airflow, without the need for oscillation. A powerful, yet quiet motor produces higher volume of air movement – 500 CFM and pushes air up to 100 feet. The 184 Tower Circulator features a remote control that magnetically cradles at the top of the unit, so the remote is always in reach. . 4 Speed settings allow you to tailor the airflow perfectly for your needs. The 184 includes a 2, 4, or 8 hour timer ensures you run your Tower Circulator in an energy-saving, efficient way. Vornado has eliminated the wobbly base found on oscillating tower fans in favor of a solid and sturdy system that stands the test of time. 41” height. 5 year limited warranty from Vornado. Model is made for 120 Volts only

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