Vornado VFAN Vintage Air Circulator Fan, Green

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Brand Vornado
Model CR1-0061-17
Color Green

  • Signature Vortex technology provides complete circulation of all the air throughout a room
  • Classic metal design inspired by the original Vornado fan from 1945
  • Twin air cones and deep pitched propeller compress and move higher volume of air and push it farther
  • 3 speed settings with full action pivot head for multi-directional airflow;PowerCord Plug Type:2-Pin Polarized
  • Safe, quiet design

  • Originally released in 1945, the Vornadofan challenged how a fan should look and function. With its unique combination of power, aerodynamics and style, the Vornadofan became a design icon that has inspired every Vornado air circulator since. With its metal design and authentic styling, the VFAN continues the Vornadofan legacy, using signature Vortex Action to circulate all the air in the room. The classic styling adapts perfectly to any setting and blends harmoniously with all decoration and color schemes. Made with high standards and the finest materials, the VFAN delivers unparalleled whole room air circulation - quality you've come to expect. Features include 3 speed settings, a full action pivot head for multi-directional airflow and a 5-year limited warranty from Vornado.

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