Vornado Ultra3 Whole Room Ultrasonic Humidifier

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Brand Vornado
Model Ultra3
Color Black

  • Humidifies up to 600 sq. ft. through the use of vortex circulation
  • Electronic humidistat for automatic humidity control and 3 fan settings (low, high, auto)
  • Push-button controls with LED lights for easy confirmation of settings
  • 1 gallon tank capacity and up to 2 gallon output every 24 hours
  • Backed by a 5-year limited warranty

  • The Vornado Ultra3 Whole Room Ultrasonic Vortex Humidifier is a uniquely effective means to create a comfortable, perfectly humidified living space. Vornado's deep pitched blades pull large volumes of harsh, dry air through the unit and then, using Vornado's signature Vortex Action, circulates the humidified air throughout the room, providing complete and uniform humidification. This unit has a built-in humidistat to automatically regulate moisture output, or can be set to run continuously. The easy-to-use push button controls with LED lights provide easy visibility of current settings. Three fan settings are available - High, Low or Auto.In the Auto setting, the fan and transducer will fluctuate up or down to maintain the set humidity level. 1 gallon capacity. 2 gallon output every 24 hours. Humidifies up to 600 sq. ft.5 year limited warranty. Model is made for 120 volts only.

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