Ozeri Brezza III Dual Oscillating 10" High Velocity Desk and Table Fan

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Brand Ozeri
Model OZF6
Color Black/Gray
Size 10"

  • Powered by new ultra-quiet, 4-speed, dual oscillating motors with automatic vertical and horizontal motion for maximum cooling effectiveness.
  • Extended-range remote control and fan controls easily engage automatic dual oscillation (up/down & left/right), horizontal oscillation (left/right), the 4-hour timer and all air speed settings.
  • Aerodynamically designed for an even lower dB noise rating than the trend-setting Brezza II, while providing air circulation at 4 different speeds.
  • Push button access to non-oscillating modefor precisely directed airflow.
  • Boasts a sophisticated and stylish space-saving design that complements and enhances room decor. Ships fully assembled. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

  • Featuring dual oscillation motors that deliver automatic horizontal and vertical motion, the Brezza III by Ozeri raises the bar in fan performance with innovative technology. Built upon the success of the Brezza II, this updated fan now boasts four motor speeds, a 4-hour timer, a refined design and the lowest noise output in its class. The motors deliver airflow from left to right and up and down, freeing you from having to move or turn the fan to change the airflow direction. Using the extended-range remote control or push-button on the control panel, the fan provides automatic, dual motion oscillation for ultimate air circulation that ensures a wide distribution of cooling airflow and hot spot elimination. The Brezza III can also be used in non-oscillating mode for uniform airflow, while the four speeds allow you to choose between a cool breeze, refreshing wind, a more powerful stream of air and Turbo mode for maximum cooling. For added convenience, the 4-hour programmable timer allows you set the fan to automatically turn off after you fall asleep, helping save energy.

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