Honeywell Quiet Low Energy, Compact Portable Evaporative Cooler with Fan & Humidifier, Carbon Dust Filter & Remote Control, CS071AE

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Brand Honeywell
Model CSO71AE
Color White
Size 176 CFM

  • Indoor evaporative air cooler or swamp cooler Ideal for use in the southwest and Midwest regions of the US. Performs best in hot/dry climates where humidity levels are <50%
  • Not just a Fan - Air Cooler reduces temperature through water evaporation. Ideal for spot cooling small areas such as bed, desk area, sofa, dining table
  • Super low power consumption (only 32W at highest speed) with Patented Brushless motor technology that offers 5 speeds with Low Energy-Quiet Mode that minimizes energy consumption & sound level in lowest speed setting - Ideal for long hours of quiet comfort at night.
  • Moist, cool breeze can cool you down & be used as humidification during winter months

  • Like a breeze flowing across a lake, Honeywell Evaporative Coolers provide a natural, cool breeze with the power of water evaporation. Honeywell Evaporative Coolers combine 3 appliances: Evaporative air cooler, fan and humidifier - into one compact energy-saving system. A fan alone creates a breeze by recirculating warm air, but when you add water and/ice to the tank, Honeywell Evaporative Coolers reduce the temperature of incoming warm air, transforming it into a cool moist breeze. Honeywell Portable Air Coolers are built to last and carefully crafted with the science of aerodynamics to minimize energy consumption while maximizing the airflow. An evaporative air cooler offers an energy efficient cooling option when the air is hot with low humidity, such as desert areas like the southwestern United States (recommended humidity level is 60% or less for maximum efficiency). For those living in more humid cities, please consider Honeywell Portable Air Conditioners.

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