Genesis 6-Inch Clip-On Fan - Convertible Table-Top & Clip Fan, Fully Adjustable Head, Two Quiet Speeds - Ideal For The Home, Office, Dorm, & More

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Brand Genesis
Color White
Size 6 inch

  • TWO QUIET FAN SPEEDS: Want to cool down without the pesky background noise Enjoy two quiet speeds to suit your preference without disrupting family, roommates, or your sleep
  • Dual features: this fan conveniently converts from a clip on fan to a table top fan so you can enjoy its features at your desk or from any other preferred angle in your space
  • Adjustable head: customize the direction of airflow and cooling with the adjustable head for times when you need to move around the room or to accommodate more than one person
  • Sturdy design: the strong & sturdy grip clamp keeps this fan firmly in place, which ensures that airflow is being directed to the desired location & doesn't slip or fall
  • Easy to use: this fan is easy to adjust. To switch from tabletop to clip on and back, simply loosen the butterfly screw on the fan head and attach the base of your preference

  • The Genesis 6 Inch Clip-On Fan with Attachable Table-Top Base is an energy efficient personal fan with innovative design. The fan has dual features. It can be used as a clip-on fan or as a table-top fan. To use as a table-top fan, simply loosen the butterfly screw on the fan head, then attach the base to the fan head ad tighten the butterfly screw. To use as a clip-on fan, loosen the butterfly screw on the fan head, then attach the clip to the fan head ad tighten the butterfly screw. The clip can accommodate a 1.06 inch to 1.65 inch thick structure. The fan has two quiet energy efficient speeds. The fan head can be adjusted to all angles making it so much more convenient to use. This fan has been ETL listed and employs overload safety protection with a fuse in the built-in power plug.

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