Ecofan 810CAKBX UltrAir Mid-Size Heat Powered Wood Stove Fan, Made in Canada, Nickel

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Model 810CAKBX
Color Nickel Blade
Size Medium

  • Warm your room up to 31% faster with the mid-sized Ecofan model, the Ecofan UltrAir
  • Ideal for rooms up to 240 square feet, the UltrAir circulates more warm air further into your room!
  • Tested and proven to save you up to 14% in fuel with more efficient distribution of heat from your wood stove
  • No electricity needed, Ecofans generate power by converting the heat from your wood stove into electricity
  • Designed and manufactured in Canada for over 20 years, Ecofans have been tested in the harshest winters and come with a 2 year limited warranty

  • If you own a free-standing wood stove you need an Ecofan! This unique accessory is designed to sit on top of your wood stove and circulate warm air through the room quickly and efficiently. By creating its own electricity from the heat of your stove, Ecofans do not need household energy or batteries. And unlike noisy built-in blowers, the economical Ecofan is whisper quiet. THE ECOFAN ULTRAIR is the intermediate model in the Ecofan family, moving up to 125 cubic foot of air per minute (CFM). It is the midsize model at 9” tall x 5.5” wide x 3” long and comes with your choice of gold, nickel or black blade colour. The UltrAir operates at a stove surface temperature range of 212°F – 650°F (100°C – 345°C).

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