Broan 114 Kickspace Fan-Forced Wall Heater without Built-in Thermostat, White

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Brand Broan
Model 114
Color White

  • White grille has a baked enamel finish and one-piece design for durability
  • Vertical louvers disperse heat evenly across the width of the grille
  • Control temperature with optional line voltage thermostat (Model 86W) or timer (Models 59V or 59W 60-minute timer or Models 61V or 61W 15-minute timer) for a simple and convenient way to control the heater
  • No extended warm up time due to an efficient steel sheathed, plate-finned heating element that provides comfortable heat in seconds.Quiet, thermally protected motor shuts off in event of overheating and transverse blower circulates heated air for optimal room warming
  • Housing width:18 inch

  • Kickspace heaters have a low-profile design that provides floor-level heat from an out-of-the-way location. Great idea for light-commercial applications such as ticket/toll booths or checkout counters where ducting isn't possible. Factory wired at 1500W at 240VAC can be easily converted to 750W or 1500W at 120V for added versatility. White grille has a baked enamel finish and one-piece design for durability. Vertical louvers disperse heat evenly across the width of the grille. Control temperature with optional line voltage thermostat (Model 86W) or timer (Models 59V or 59W 60-minute timer or Models 61V or 61W 15-minute timer) for a simple and convenient way to control the heater. Integral thermostat kit (Model 90) also available. No extended warm up time due to an efficient steel sheathed, plate-finned heating element that provides comfortable heat in seconds. Quiet, thermally protected motor shuts off in event of overheating and transverse blower circulates heated air for optimal room warming. UL Listed for safety. Slim design tucks under cabinet kickspaces, vanities, stairways or any place where space is limited and a little extra heat is desired to make your environment cozier. Kickspace heaters are intended to provide supplemental heat from a wall location and not to take the place of a home's main heat source.

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