Genuine black leather covers the flask of this Viol gift set
The Gator has an alligator finish that looks and feels amazing
This stainless steel flask will hold eight ounces of your favorite beverage
A captive top is also included
18/8 Grade Premium Quality Stainless Steel
Genuine black leather covers the flask set to allow you to enjoy your favorite beverage with the utmost style and sophistication. The Gator has an alligator finish that looks and feels amazing underneath your fingers. Its strong, stainless steel body is capable of holding eight ounces of a drink; securely sealing the drink in with its captive top. Share a drink with a couple of your friends using the two shot cups found in this gift set. There is even a funnel included in this gift set so you won't have any problems when it comes time to fill the flask. Add an engraving to the flask and give this entire gift a personal and unique look that everyone will admire. Brand: Visol, Model: VSET39-1184, Color: Black
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