SUPER-OXYGENATED PURE COLLOIDAL SILVER - Trace Minerals Research Colloidal Silver contains pure bio-active colloidal silver and ozonated distilled water ONLY - no additives, coloring or stabilizers - so you can be sure that it will work and make a difference in your health!
CERTIFIED VEGAN BY THE AMERICAN VEGETARIAN ASSOCIATION - Our Silver Hydrosol contains no animal or animal byproducts, only pure bioactive colloidal silver nano solution.
THE PERFECT CONCENTRATION AND PARTICLE SIZE - At over 30PPM, it's the perfect dose for safe and effective absorption by the body.
EFFECTIVE FOR ALMOST EVERYONE - This advanced colloidal-silver is great for everyone, men or women, and kids above 2 years old. You can also use it to treat infections in dogs and cats and other pets.
TRACE MINERALS RESEARCH GUARANTEE - If for any reason you you are not happy with your purchased supplements from any of our verified sellers, please contact our customer support and we'll make it right for you!
Trace Minerals Colloidal Silver is a dietary supplement with over 30 ppm per dose of pure colloidal Silver. Trace Minerals Research use special and proprietary technology to process this high quality Colloidal Silver. With each bottle, you can expect a wide range of nutritional benefits. Brand: Trace Minerals Research, Model: CLS01, Size: 8 oz
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