TheraPearl Reusable Hot Cold Pack for Knee, Reusable Knee Wrap with Strap & Gel Beads, Best Ice Bag for Swelling, ACL & MCL Surgery, Sports Injuries, Non Toxic Flexible Hot & Cold Compress

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  • Perfect for sprains/swelling, post exercise soreness, arthritis and more
  • Place gel pack in microwave for 30-40 seconds for heat therapy or place in freezer for at least 2 hours for a cold therapeutic pain relief experience
  • Reusable hot and cold compress with gel pearls that conveniently hold temperature for the doctor-recommended time of approximately 20 minutes
  • For product longevity, store reusable pack in an airtight container or bag in the freezer
  • Latex-free BPA-free phthalate-free, wrap measures 14" x 10.25"

  • Treat your knees and keep moving! Strenuous workouts, household chores and that touch of arthritis put tremendous stress on your knees. Don't let discomfort and swelling hobble you. THERA°PEARL's ingenious Knee Wrap relieves both so you keep moving! The large opening sits over your kneecap to preserve a wide range of motion, while the Pearl Technology sends relief directly to the pain. The flexible Velcro strap keeps the wrap comfortably in place, even during a workout. Chill it in the fridge or freezer for analgesic cold, or pop it in the microwave for penetrating heat. The pack holds its therapeutic temperature for a full 20 minutes so you get fast, effective relief. It's perfect after exercise, lugging laundry up steps, or a day kneeling in the garden.
    Brand: THERA°PEARL, Model: TP-RKW1, Color: Blue, Size: Knee Wrap w/Strap, 14" x 10.25"

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