The Pencil Grip Writing CLAW for Pencils and Utensils, 12 Count Blue/Red, Medium Size (TPG-21212)

The Pencil Grip
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  • Eliminates thumb-wrap and fist grips
  • For all children, including those with special needs
  • Grip stretches to fit on ALL writing instruments and utensils!
  • Universal design for Righties & Lefties
  • Medium size for K-5

  • The Writing CLAW is designed for proper grip development. This grip exercises control over the hand and gently holds fingers in the proper position for Righties and Lefties. Markings on the underside of the "finger cups” instruct proper placement. With The Writing CLAW, children do not need to think about the mechanics of the correct grip. The grip builds the positive habit of an efficient grip and produces improved handwriting and control. The extremely flexible connection of the CLAW works for holding pencils, pens, crayons, markers, utensils and paintbrushes. The CLAW is used in schools and pediatric clinics across the nation. All children, including those with Autism, ADHD, developmental disabilities, learning disabilities and general fine motor delay can benefit from using the CLAW. The Writing CLAW is distributed by industry leaders The Pencil Grip, Inc., the makers of the gold standard: The Pencil Grip. Includes 12 medium size grips in blue and red.
    Brand: The Pencil Grip, Model: TPG-21212, Color: Assorted Colors, Size: 12 Count

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