The Original Index Knobber II Massage Tool, Foot & Reflexology Massager Perfect for Plantar Fasciitis, Tennis, Golfers Elbow, Neck Pain Relief, Trigger Point Release by The Pressure Positive Co
ADVANCED GRIP - The advanced grip on the Indexknobber massager makes it comfortable to hold. Deliver an effective massage without having to readjust your positioning or having your wrist cramp up.
FOCUSED PRESSURE POINT MASSAGE - The Indexknobber massager has one focused massage knob that allows you to concentrate a massage in one muscle area, offering relief and relaxation where you need it most.
MULTI-USE - The soft shape and smooth feel of the Indexknobber along with its unique, ergonomic design, allows its use over clothing or with massage oil directly on the skin.
WORKS FOR THERAPISTS - Therapists who use The Original Indexknobber II in treating patients find it extremely helpful in applying precise pressure to soft tissue trigger points.
PREVENTS HAND STRESS - Indexknobber II Massage Tool also reduces overuse injury to the USERS' hands brought on by the stress of hands-on deep muscle massage, trigger point compression and similar techniques.
The Original Index Knobber II by Pressure Positive is an ideal instrument for clinic or home use. Molded in highly durable polymer, it allows the user to apply deep, sustained and precise pressure to trigger points and to sore, stiff muscles. Hands-on therapists frequently comment on how easy it is to use The Original Index Knobber II tool because it protects the hand and forearm against fatigue and overuse while allowing maximum control and sensitivity to the patient. Brand: The Pressure Positive Company, Model: IK2-Sapphire Blue, Color: Sapphire Blue
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