Tecnu Original Poison Oak & Ivy Outdoor Skin Cleanser, 32 Ounce

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  • The original product to remove poison ivy and oak irritant (oil) from skin
  • Used by outdoor and forestry workers for decades
  • Also, removes skunk odor from dogs and removes tree sap from skin
  • Use to remove rash-causing toxin from gear, tools, clothing and pets.
  • A must-have for gardeners, hikers and mountain bikers

  • Wash with Tecnu to remove poison ivy, oak and sumac oils. Simply apply Tecnu to dry skin, rub vigorously for two minutes, and rinse with cool water or wipe off with a cloth. When used within 8 hours after exposure to poison oak, ivy or sumac, Tecnu can remove urushiol oil before the rash begins.

    Once a poison plant rash has started, washing with Tecnu helps remove any free oil on the skin; allowing the natural healing process to begin without the possible spreading of poison ivy or oak (re-contamination).

    Poison ivy and oak oil can also spread from contaminated clothing, shoes, gloves, tools and pets. Since urushiol does not evaporate, it can remain on these items for months or even years at a time. Use Tecnu Original to wash off the oil and avoid a poison ivy or oak rash from secondary contact. Also removes skunk odor, sap and pitch from skin, grease, grime and cable gel.

    Tecnu can be applied directly to clothing or gear and then washed in a normal manner. Please do a small patch test on clothing before using on entire article.

    Brand: Tecnu

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