Sweet Sweat Coconut 'XL' Jar 13.5oz | Helps increase circulation, sweating and motivation during exercise | Made with Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil and other Natural Oils

Sports Research
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  • Sweet Sweat with Coconut Targets "Slow To Respond" Injured and Problem Areas While Exercising.
  • Promotes an additional increase in Circulation & Sweating during your workout.
  • May help fight muscle fatigue and painful injuries such as shin splints, pulls, and strains
  • Natural Coconut Aroma will take away the fear of feeling offensive during and after your workout.
  • 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee! If you don't see results within 90 days, simply return your product for a refund.

  • What is Sweet Sweat Sweet Sweat is a topical workout enhancer that can actually target problem and injured areas improving circulation, energy and sweating during exercise. By increasing circulation and sweating, more energy is directed to the exercising muscles, making your workout feel easier and helping to accelerate warm-up and recovery times.

    Encourages Sweating During Exercise It takes calories to make energy and it takes energy to sweat, more energy than most people realize and like all energy consuming processes "Sweating Helps Burn Calories." Sweet Sweat will cause an additional increase in circulation to areas applied, helping to promote a "good sweat."

    Sweet Sweat is Activated by You Sweet Sweat works with your elevated heart rate, so the more vigorous the exercise the better it will work. Sweet Sweat can also be used while swimming and in a dry or infrared Sauna.

    How to Apply Apply an ample amount of Sweet Sweat to the skin before beginning your workout. Make sure to coat all desired areas without rubbing into the skin. REMOVAL: After exercise, and the normal "cool down" period, towel off product FIRST, and shower using warm water and soap.

    Important Note Do not use other creams and lotions on the skin before applying Sweet Sweat, as they can create a barrier on the skin that keeps Sweet Sweat from working properly. To avoid sweat stains on clothing, it is recommended to use a pre-wash stain remover before washing.

    Brand: Sports Research, Model: AHD 01005, Size: 13.5 Ounces

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