There are approximately 200 sprays per 1 oz. bottle
Safe and effective for the temporary relief of mouth and throat irritations
Safe for children; A Homeopathic sore throat treatment that does not have the side-effects of modern pharmaceutical drugs
All-Natural Ingredients - Olive Leaf Extract, Baptisia Tinctoria, Xylitol (natural sweetener made from fruits and vegetables); Olive trees grown by Seagate; Olive Leaf Extract processed in Seagate's factory
For the temporary relief of cold, mouth and throat irritations. Seagate Olive Leaf Raspberry Spearmint Throat Spray homeopathic medicine provides safe treatment of mouth and throat ailments. This product is formulated and manufactured utilizing only natural ingredients in accordance with strict FDA pharmaceutical standards to ensure safety and purity. Seagate combines three natural antimicrobial ingredients, Olive Leaf Extract, Baptisia tinctoria and Xylitol, to wash away harmful bacteria, molds, fungi, and other mouth and throat irritants Brand: Seagate Products, Size: 1-pack
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