Now with a booster button for even more cleaning power when you need it
Prevents tough stains like mold & mildew and removes soap scum
Works automatically with the daily touch of a button
Provides overall and targeted coverage with the dual sprayer
With the Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner, you've got a cleaning partner that takes care of the tough stuff for you. Simply touch the button and walk away—the dual sprayer spins 360 degrees to spray a penetrating cleaner on all four walls and tub. The formula prevents tough stains like mold & mildew and helps remove soap scum, allowing you to wait to clean your shower for up to 30 days! A booster button provides even more shower cleaning power when you need it. And now your Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner starter kit comes with a Fresh Clean formula that keeps your bathroom smelling great for up to 24 hours. Brand: Scrubbing Bubbles, Model: 70164, Color: Multi, Size: 30 - 40 ounces
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