Safety Sure Transfer/Pivot Disc 13"

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  • Is designed for use by individuals who are able to stand, but can't readily move their legs Aids in transfers between the wheelchair and the bed or toilet Position the person's feet on the disk and turn to facilitate smooth transfers and reduce back strain on both user and helper Instructions included

  • Small 13"The SafetySure Transfer Pivot Disc is designed for use by patients who are able to stand but cannot readily move their legsPatients with upper body strength can use the SST Transfer Pivot Disc to accomplish independent transfersIn this instance, it is recommended that both the patient and the caregiver wear an SST Belt during the transfer processThe use of both the SST Pivot Disc and SST Belt provides maximum safety and supportBoth the top and bottom side of the pivot disc is covered with a non-slip material that keeps the SST Pivot Disc securely in placeSelection of disc size shoulb be based on patient foot size, stance for stability, anf foot placement controlMade of three high quality polymer plates with a built-in handle for ease of carrying1174C Product weight 2 LbsWeight Capacity: 400 Lbs
    Brand: CM, Size: 13 inches

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