#1 Brand in septic system treatment (Based on national Nielsen data).
Helps prevent septic backups by continuously breaking down household waste (Along with occasional pumping).
Easy-to-use powder that it safe for use in pipes & tanks.
Natural bacteria and advanced enzymes start working immediately to break down paper, protein, oils & grease.
9.8 oz of our powerful concentrated formula is 1 monthly dose for septic tanks up to 1500 gallons.To use, simply pour powder down the toilet and flush twice.
From the #1 Brand in septic system treatment, RID-X Septic Tank Treatment Powder helps prevent septic backups by continuously breaking down household waste. RID-X helps maintain a healthy balance of septic bacteria throughout the year in order to prevent expensive septic backups. The natural bacteria and advanced enzymes start working immediately to break down paper, protein, oils & grease. RID-X is natural & safe for pipes and septic systems. Always remember to use RID-X once per month along with regular pumping. 9.8 oz is 1 monthly dose for septic tanks up to 1500 gallons. To use, simply pour powder down the toilet and flush. Based on national Nielsen sales data. Along with occasional pumping. Brand: Rid-X, Model: 1920080307, Size: 19.6 Ounce
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