High quality, reusable, waterproof, personal care & hospital rated underpad
Layered protection to protect mattress and sheets from moisture and staining, keeps sheets dry all night
Soft cotton/polyester on top (white side), polyester fiberfill layer, super absorbent high density inner layer, and 100% PVC at bottom (blue side)
Machine washable and dryer friendly, can take up to hundreds washes! Does not require any special detergents for washing
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Trifecta's underpads are washable and extremely comfortable for patients. The material on the top of the bed pad is a soft blend of natural and synthetic fibers. The cotton/polyester blend faces the patient while the 100% PVC side will provide a complete barrier. These underpads are completely leak proof, making things quite convenient for the nurses and other medical care providers. They can be washed many times and due to being lightweight, they dry quickly. With the reusable underpads that Trifecta offers, it is far easier for a healthcare provider to make a quick change of the underpad rather than of the entire bottom sheet. Also, by using these underpads, the moisture will be absorbed by the pad itself. This keeps the patient dry and prevents the mattresses from being ruined. Brand: Trifecta Linens, Color: Blue, Size: 34" x 38"
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