Puritans Pride Vitamin B-12 1000 Mcg Timed Release, 250 Count

Puritan's Pride
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  • We are the manufacturer and the only authorized seller of this product.
  • This product has been made with the highest quality ingredients available.
  • Over 40 years in business and 19 million customers served.

  • The B complex of vitamins contains key nutrients for energy metabolismand an important one in that family is Vitamin B-12. B-12 is a naturally-occurring vitamin that helps maintain proper metabolic function and cellular energy levels by helping convert food into energy. But B-12 does a whole lot more, too: It supports the health of your heart, circulation, gums and mouth, and nervous system. Furthermore, B-12 helps the development and regeneration of red blood cells, which deliver oxygen through the body. And its involved in DNA synthesis and renewal. Putting it simply, B-12 plays a role in helping to keep many parts of your system running smoothly. Vitamin B-12 is found in food from animal sources, but not in vegetables. It is also more difficult to absorb B-12 as you age. Vegetarians and older folks may need to supplement their B-12 intake. In fact, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend that people over 50 get B-12 from supplements or fortified food. Supplementing with B-12 will give you the energy support you need to help you stay active and be your best. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    Brand: Puritan's Pride, Model: B004R68LX6

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