Puritan's Pride Lutein with Zeaxanthin 40 mg, Eye Health Supplement, 120 Softgels

Puritan's Pride
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  • Puritan's Pride Lutein with Zeaxanthin 40mg softgels offer you optimal support for healthy eyes and vision
  • Each of the 120 softgels contain 40mg of Lutigold Lutein (with 1600 mcg of Zeaxanthin); this product is made with safflower oil, gelatin, vegetable glycerin, and yellow beeswax
  • Lutein is an abundant natural carotenoid that is found in various fruits, vegetables, plants, and in the macula of the eye; it has many antioxidant characteristics
  • Zeaxanthin is found in the central area of the retina called the macula; along with Lutein, Zeaxanthin can help to maintain eye health and healthy vision
  • Our Lutein with Zeaxanthin supplement comes in easy to swallow softgel form; adults are advised to take 1 softgel daily, preferably with a meal

  • Like with other nutrients produced by parts of the body, as we age, the body's natural stores of lutein can decrease, which is why it may be important to supplement with Lutein. Lutein helps to improve vision in low contrast situations, which is essential for night driving. Lutein plays a role in the maintenance of eye health and is the principle Carotenoid found in the central area of the retina called the macula. One of the most abundant carotenoids, Lutein is also found in fruits, vegetables, and even plants like marigolds. Lutein also has numerous antioxidant properties. This important nutrient helps filter out high-energy blue light from the sun and artificial light, which may otherwise induce oxidative stress and possible free-radical damage to the eyes and skin. Zeaxanthin is a human carotenoid that is naturally present in the macula of the eye. Zeaxanthin is selectively placed in the macula's foveal center, the area in the eye that is responsible for central vision. Lutein, together with Zeaxanthin, can help support healthy eyes and vision. Adults can take one 40mg softgel daily with a mealThese statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
    Brand: Puritan's Pride

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