Pure Lye Drain Opener, 1 Lb 2-Pack

ComStar Pure Lye
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  • Biodegradable and environmentally safe
  • Dissolves grease, hair and root growth in sewer lines instantly
  • Can be made to any strength desired
  • Will actually enhance the growth of active bacteria in grease traps and septic tanks if used regularly
  • Can be stored indefinitely without danger of escaping odors

  • ComStar Pure Lye ComStar Pure Lye is an industrial-strength, powerful tool to clear out drains, grease traps, septic systems and roots. This formula is the purest white, bead-size lye in the world - 99% pure! A natural drain opener, Pure Lye is biodegradable and odorless within a non-acid formula that is safe on fine fixtures, chrome trim, and metal or plastic pipes. This amazing product clears out clogged and slow-moving drains, grease traps and septic systems, without harming septic tanks or cesspools. Because of the unique bead shape, Comstar Pure Lye will sink to the bottom of standing water and attack the cause of the blockage for a fast break-up. Comstar Pure Lye does not stink or create fumes and has become a favorite drain-opening product for homes, schools, hospitals, cafeterias and restaurants.
    Brand: ComStar Pure Lye, Model: 30-500, Color: White beads, Size: 1 lb

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