PROVON 518603CT Foam Handwash, Moisturizer, Light Floral, FMX-12 Dispenser, 1250 mL Pump (Case of 3)

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  • Contains 0.3% chloroxylenol (PCMX), a common antimicrobial compound, to help control bacteria, algae, and fungi
  • Foaming handwash with moisturizers for general-purpose use
  • Pre-lathered for convenience
  • Appealing translucent amber color with light floral fragrance
  • Convenient 1250 mL refill bottles fit appropriately sized GOJO dispensers

  • The PROVON 5186-03 is a three-pack of 1250 mL refill bottles of Foaming Antimicrobial Handwash with Moisturizers, which contains 0.3% chloroxylenol (PCMX), a common antimicrobial compound used to control bacteria, algae, and fungi. The foaming formula is a pre-lathered, translucent amber liquid with a light floral fragrance, for general-purpose use. The sanitary-sealed refill bottle locks out germs.

    The PROVON product line from GOJO is most suitable for use in long-term care facilities. The PROVON formula offers ease of use, packaging that supports a homelike environment for patients, and a comprehensive training program for staff. The PROVON skin care program provides a soothing experience for residents and heightened performance for caregivers. This line helps care facilities maintain an effective skin care regimen for bathing and shampooing, perineal care, and proper moisturization with a family of mild products. PROVON products are color-coded by category for ease of storage and selection, with ergonomic shapes and sizes for convenient one-handed use. Using PROVON helps maintain good hygiene, reduces odors and infections, helps prevent skin breakdown, and helps maintain good skin health.

    GOJO Industries, Inc. manufactures hygiene products, including handwashing, hand sanitizing, and skin care formulas, for outside-the-home settings. GOJO owns and operates the GOJO, PURELL, PROVON, and MICRELL brands for restaurants, auto shops, long-term care facilities, and other industries. GOJO is the inventor of GOJO Original Formula waterless heavy-duty hand cleaner and PURELL instant hand sanitizer. GOJO headquarters are located in Akron, Ohio, with additional facilities in North and South America, Europe, and Asia.

    Brand: Provon, Model: 5186-03, Color: Orange, Size: 1250mL

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