Vita Gel corn wraps are the first to offer full wrap around protection and moisturization for corns and sore toes.
Vita-Gel corn wraps dramatically help the removal of even the toughest corns while helping to prevent new ones.
Instant Relief For Toe Pain With soothing mineral oil. Washable! Use dozens of times.
Softens and moisturizes cuticles. Instant relief for toe pain. Full wrap around gel cushioning protects and moisturizes toes. Softens cuticles overnight! Washable! Use dozens of times! With soothing mineral oil! Elastic sleeve, Soft gel and slide on design with no adhesive. Lasts for weeks! Vita-Gel corn wraps are the first to offer full wrap-around protection and moisturization for corns and sore toes. By softening the corn and the surrounding areas, Vita-Gel corn wraps dramatically help the removal of even the toughest corns while helping to prevent new ones. Vita-Gel improved corn wraps have a slimmer, lower profile to easily fit any shoe yet provide a much larger gel area than other brands. Reusable, washable, and adhesive free, each Vita-Gel corn wrap offers weeks of corn-pain relief. Works as an overnight finger cuticle moisturizer too! Size: Stretches to fit any size toe! Care: Carefully wash with water and mild soap. Air dry only. Made in Spain. Brand: Profoot, Size: Pack of 3
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