Our 100% Organic Black Tea leaves are selected from high quality tea leaves from Yunnan.
This fully fermented tea has a rich flavor and soothing aroma and is known for its antioxidant properties which have many natural health benefits.
A typical cup of black tea has about 50-80mg of caffeine, and cup of coffee ranges from 100-180mg.
Prince of Peace often is a supporter of world relief efforts. Prince of Peace is a brand you can trust. Our company has been providing quality tea products since 1985. Our organic teas are certified organic by ECOCERT ICO, USA. Instead of expensive advertising campaigns, we've chosen to keep our prices low, and let you tell others. Tea has been enjoyed for several thousand years. In many countries, it is a part of culture, everyday life, and even regarded as an art form. Tea brings people together, is relaxing and is good for your health. Brand: Prince Of Peace, Model: D-19200, Size: 100
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