Eliminates the need for pre-wrap and adhesive spray
A strong, fabric-based bandage that tears easily by hand and sticks to itself for quick wrapping and longer staying power.
Powerflex is the newest and most versatile recent development in athletic tape. Because it does not have adhesive, it does not stick to skin and can be used in place of prewrap, but because it sticks to itself it can be used to hold gauze pads and bandages in place. Powerflex is often used in medical (and veterinary) settings to hold catheters or IVs in place. Also, because of the wide variety of colors it is often used for wrapping wrists and equipment in team colors or for causes (i.e. pink for breast cancer awareness). The 2" tape is ideal for smaller areas such as wrists or hands. Although Powerflex does not provide the support of a typical athletic tape, it is ideal for situations where flexibility is more important than support. The unique self-adhesive design is strong and will generally need to be cut off like typical athletic tape. Brand: Powerflex, Color: Red, Size: 6
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