Ozeri ProMax 500 lbs (230 kg) Digital Bath Scale, with Body Tape Measure & Fat Caliper

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  • Uses 4 industrial-grade sensors custom engineered to instantly weigh up to 500 pounds (230 kilograms), in precise increments of 0.2 lb or 0.1 kg.
  • Auto calibrated with StepOn Activation to capture the precise weight measurements upon contact (no tapping required).
  • Latest generation 4.3" blue backlight LCD provides immediate and easily viewable results, regardless of ambient light or angle.
  • Award-winning design features an oversized platform made of uniform 8 mm impact-resistant tempered glass, non-slip feet that will not scratch floors, and a convenient unit Button to switch between lbs, kg, and st.
  • Automatically powers off to conserve battery life, and ships with 4 AAA batteries, a BONUS Body Tape Measure, AND a FREE Body Fat Caliper. Simply, EVERYTHING you need, with Ozeri's 100% Hassle-Free Satisfaction.

  • The all-new Ozeri ProMax 500 lbs. (230 kg) Digital Bath Scale features the highest weighing capacity for the most demanding applications. Equipped with auto calibration technology that makes tracking your weight easy, right out of the box, and the latest generation of StepOn Activation, your body weight is displayed immediately upon placing your feet on the scale, with no tapping required to turn on or activate the scale. The Ozeri ProMax accurately displays results in increments of 0.2 pounds or 0.1 kilograms (0.2 lbs. or 0.1 kg) on its latest generation 4.3" blue backlight LCD, providing clear and easy-to-read results under all ambient light conditions, and from virtually any angle. It uses 4 custom engineered high-tech sensors to capture weights up to 500 lbs. or 230 kg, with industry-leading accuracy. Upgraded with Ozeri's most durable 8mm thick uniform impact-resistant tempered glass, and certified by international testing firm TUV under thousands of demanding compressions, the Ozeri ProMax 500 lbs. (230 kg) Digital Bath Scale combines accuracy and ease-of-use with longevity. It also features non-slip feet that will not scratch floors, and a convenient unit Button to switch between lbs., kgs, and St. The Ozeri ProMax conserves battery life with automatic power off, and runs on 4 AAA batteries (batteries included). It also ships with a free Body Tape Measure and Body Fat Caliper. Your Satisfaction is 100% Guaranteed.
    Brand: Ozeri, Model: ZB22

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