Habitrol Patches help you stop smoking in as few as 9 to 12 weeks.
Each patch supplies your body with 21 mg nicotine over a 24 hour period.
Habitrol Patches are a step down program that reduces your nicotine dose gradually, rather than stopping suddenly. You start with Step 1 patches, then move on to Steps 2 and 3.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Apply one patch at the same time every day. Press patch firmly onto clean, non-hairy skin, holding it in place for 20 seconds. Do not re-apply to previously used skin for 3 days. For full directions, please read the enclosed leaflet carefully. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products are FDA-approved for adults ages 18 and over who want to quit smoking. Do not use if: • you are under 12 years of age • you are a non-smoker or an occasional smoker •you have a skin disorder such as psoriasis • you have an allergy to nicotine or any component of the patch • if the sachet seal is broken • Do not use unless a doctor has told you to use: •• if you have had a recent heart attack or stroke •• you have angina (chest pain) that is not well controlled or getting worse •• you have severe arrhythmia Brand: Habitrol
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