A daily dose of one high-potency tablet gives a good amount of B Vitamins
Fortified with Vitamin C for heart, immunity and antioxidant support
The B Vitamin complex is a combination of many vitamins
Maintains heart and nervous system health
Offers nourishment in abundance to beat the daily stress of a busy life
Vegetarian-friendly tablets also include Folic Acid to help maintain homocysteine levels already within a normal range, Vitamin C for immune health, and Biotin for metabolic support.
These coated time released tablets are specially designed to provide you with a gradual release of vitamins over a prolonged period of time.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
This high-potency formula features the B Vitamins, which work together to support heart health, nervous system health and energy metabolism, while providing nourishment for the stress of daily living. Brand: Nature's Bounty, Model: NATURES316695, Size: 25KG
Custom Tab 01
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