Natrol Complete Balance A.M./P.M. Formula for Menopause, Two, 30 Capsule Bottles

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  • SUPPORTS ALL STAGES OF MENOPAUSE: Natrol Complete Balance A.M./P.M. formula for Menopause is a day and night formula containing a special blend of vitamins, minerals and herbal ingredients designed to address a range of menopausal symptoms.
  • RELIEVES HOT FLASHES: Natrol Complete Balance is comprised of vitamins, minerals, and traditionally used herbal ingredients that help to relieve the hot flashes that are common with menopausal changes.
  • DELIVERS MOOD SUPPORT: The targeted formula may help to reduce mood swings and other symptoms related to menopause.
  • HELPS REDUCE NIGHT SWEATS: Complete Balance is formulated to support hormone levels, which can lower the potential of night sweats.
  • PROVIDES SOY AND BLACK COHOSH: A carefully balanced level of these ingredients helps to reduce menopausal symptoms.

  • Mood swings and hot flashes not only cause discomfort throughout the day, but can significantly disrupt your ability to get the good night's sleep that's needed to combat menopausal changes. Using Natrol Complete Balance can support the well-being of women dealing with menopause in multiple stages. Natrol Complete Balance contains both AM and PM formulations of vitamins, minerals, and traditionally used herbal to address a range of daytime and nighttime symptoms.

    Complete Balance by Natrol is infused with minerals, traditionally used herbal ingredients, and vitamins that help reduce hot flashes and other common menopausal symptoms. It also contains soy and black cohosh, which have been shown to reduce night sweats and mood swings. The PM formula contains Melatonin, promoting a more restful and relaxing sleep to let your body's hormone levels become balanced. This formula can be used by women dealing with menopause in multiple stages, including pre-menopausal women.

    These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

    Brand: Natrol, Model: 47469030018, Size: 3030

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