Metatarsal Foot Pads for Women & Men Hapad Metatarsal Pads Medium, 5/16'' Thick (Pack of 6 Pairs)

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  • Adhesive back the adhesive is intentionally "sticky" so that the metatarsalgia foot pads will not slip in the shoe once it is properly placed
  • Comfortable metatarsal pads cushions are made of 100% wool felt which provides comfort and relief
  • Highly recommended hapad metatarsal medium pads 5/16'' are medically designed to treat metatarsalgia and dropped metatarsal heads
  • It shifts the main weight bearing area away from 1 or 2 metatarsal heads to a larger area across the metatarsal region, thus relieving pressure

  • Hapad neuroma pads should be placed behind second and third metatarsal heads to eliminate pressure. Proper placement of a mortons neuroma pads shift the main weight bearing area away from 1 or 2 metatarsal heads to a larger area across the metatarsal region, thus relieving pressure on the ball of the foot. In addition, the adhesive back of foot pads for ball of feet, is intentionally "sticky" so that the pads will not slip in the shoe once they are properly placed. These metatarsal morton neuroma pads are made of 100% wool felt, which provides comfort while walking. Hapad pads are medically designed to effectively to treat your painful foot complaints. Hapad metatarsal foot pads 5/16'' (medium) are highly recommended by many physicians for metatarsalgia, dropped metatarsal heads and morton's neuroma to achieve 100% relief. The hapad metatarsal pads for shoes come in various thicknesses to provide a choice in support and a custom fit (refer to the suggested size chart image).
    Brand: HAPAD, Model: V046, Size: Medium

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