Maxar Work Belt - (Industrial Lumbo-Sacral Support) - Deluxe, Medium, Black

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  • Protects from injuries and helps reduce lower back pain
  • Six spring metal stays, extra strong yet breathable mesh and detachable extra wide suspenders
  • Two additional side pulls are designed for better fitting and tension adjustment
  • Provides excellent support and comfort to the abdominal and lumbosacral areas
  • Very comfortable to wear on a daily basis

  • MAXAR Deluxe Work Belt is one of the best industrial back supports on the market. It's made from the highest quality materials with uncompromising workmanship to provide maximum support and comfort. Highly rated by industry leaders and American physicians. It helps form correct posture and avoid back injures while working or lifting heavy loads. This work belt is recommended to those who: Have a great deal of physical activities at work or at home; Lift and move heavy objects; Spend long hours driving or have a job which lacks movement; Suffer from or ever experienced lower back pain, osteochondrosis or lumbago; Have undergone surgery on the lower section of the spine. Conditions Back pain, abdominal pain, osteochondrosis, lumbago, surgery on the lower section of the spine, physical activities in extreme weather conditions, lift and move heavy objects, excessive physical activities, sports injuries. Directions for usage is as follows: 
    1. Detach the 2 Velcro like adjustable side pulls so they are hanging loose 
    2. Wrap the belt around the waist and attach the Velcro like closure for a snug fit 
    3. Grasp the side pulls on both sides of the belt, pull forward to the desired level of compression and be sure to securely attach the side pulls to the Velcro like material
    Brand: Maxar, Model: M IBS-3000 M, Color: Black, Size: Medium

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