Marsona DS-600A Sound Conditioner with Six Sounds

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  • Relaxing sound
  • Nice design
  • Quality
  • Features the six most popular sounds for noise masking and relaxation
  • Quality construction and solid state electronics
  • Operate on standard electrical current or battery power
  • Lightweight and flat enough to pack easily
  • Ships in Certified Frustration-Free Packaging

  • The Marsona DS-600A is an easy-to-use digital sound conditioner for masking disruptive noise or for adding comfortable background sound where it might otherwise be too quiet for sleep, concentration, or relaxation. It features the six most-requested sounds in the Marpac library. Enjoy the sound of surf as it meets the sand of the beach, a calm, gentle rain with the rhythm of a distant thunderstorm, or the steady, constant background of white noise. Relax to the sounds of a babbling brook, the gentle lapping water at the lakeshore, or the sounds of crickets and spring peepers on a country evening. The DS-600A is completely portable; when standard electrical current is unavailable, it can be operated with four AA batteries (not included). Take the DS-600A wherever you go: hotel room, camping, even in the car. The timer can be set to turn the unit off after sixty minutes if desired.
    Brand: Marpac, Model: Marsona DS-600A, Color: Champagne, Size: 7.5"(L) X 5.125"(W) X 2.75"(H)

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