Marpac Dohm Classic White Noise Sound Machine, White

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  • Two speeds - dual speed motor, unique asymmetrical fan, and acoustic housing create the soothing sound of rushing air, the Marpac Signature Sound, without the disturbance of actual moving air.
  • Customized sound - acoustic housing and dual speed fan allow for fully adjustable tone and volume control for a personalized sound environment.
  • Voltage - 120 V, for domestic use only.
  • Guarantee - backed by a one-year limited factory warranty and the always exceptional Marpac customer service promise.

  • The sleep-inducing magic of a Marpac sound machine makes falling asleep as easy as pushing a button. Dohm Classic is the original sound machine, first invented by Marpac in 1962 and beloved by generations since. The Classic features Marpac's signature fan-based natural white noise, with two speed options for widely adjustable tone and volume. Just flip the switch to high or low, rotate the cap and collar to find the best sound for you, then let the noise-masking magic happen. By adjusting the speed and sound openings, you will customize the volume and tone to find a soothing white noise that's ideal for you. Features an 8' cord, and comes in four color options: white, black, gray and tan. Give sleep a chance!
    Brand: Marpac, Model: M1DSUSWH, Color: Dohm Classic Only, Size: 1 Pack

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