Medically-approved ear drops safely and gently remove excess earwax (cerumen)
Fast-acting agent is formulated to target earwax, and foam on contact, helping to soften, loosen and break up hardened/impacted cerumen
Earwax removal system comes with an easy to use, easy to clean, soft rubber bulb ear washer to help safely and easily flush away stubborn earwax after each treatment
Moisturizing agent helps loosen earwax while conditioning the delicate lining of the ear canal
Great for hearing aid users or anyone that produces excessive earwax. From Mack's, the #1 Doctor Recommended Ear Plug Brand
Removing excessive earwax or an earwax blockage (cerumen impaction) with cotton swabs and ear candles is considered ineffective and potentially dangerous by the American Academy of Otolaryngology. Mack's earwax removal ear drops and earwax removal kits/systems are medically approved to safely and gently remove excess ear wax. Mack's ear wax remover helps get the excess ear wax out of your ears, allowing you to hear more clearly. Wash that nasty earwax clog out of your ears with Mack's Wax Away Ear Wax Removal System. Brand: Mack's, Model: B004CK5M4S, Size: Pack of 1
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