Lobe Wonder 300 Invisible Earring Ear-Lobe Support Patches - Provides Relief for Damaged, Streched Ear-Lobes and Helps Protect Healthy Ear Lobes Against Tearing

Lobe Wonder
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  • 989898306596

  • Lobe Wonder Lobe Wonder provides relief to women who suffer from the unsightly enlargement of earring holes, a problem caused by heavy earrings. Just as important, Lobe Wonder helps protect healthy ear lobes against tearing from the weight of earrings. Lobe Wonder is an undetectable, hypoallergenic clear patch that is applied to the back of the ear lobe. When pierced by an earring, the patch bears a major part of the earring weight, relieving the ear lobe of the pressure. 60 patches per box.Lobe Wonder Support Patches work to repair the appearance of torn damaged and stretched ear lobes instantly! Worn behind your ear lobe, these invisible patches are the perfect remedy to the problem of heavy pierced earrings tearing and streching you ear lobes. Each self-adhesive oval patch is upper-reinforced with a criss-cross network to strengthen and support ear lobes. Your ear lobes will look natural, not stretched and dragged down by the weight of heavy earrings. Lobe Wonder patches are breathable and the special medical adhesive doesn't irritate the skin. With Lobe Wonder, you'll be able to wear your chandelier earrings, hoops and favorite studs. And the best part No more worry about tearing and stretching!
    Brand: Lobe Wonder, Model: Lobe-Wonder300

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