Lewis N. Clark Comfort Eye Mask With Adjustable Straps Blocks Out All Light, Black

Lewis N. Clark
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  • TOTAL DARKNESS - Smooth rip-stop nylon blocks light and soothes tired eyes
  • SUPERIOR COMFORT - Soft cotton padding and fiber-filled construction provide extra comfort
  • CUSTOMIZABLE STRAPS - Adjustable elastic straps fit any size
  • TOP SELLER - Over 1,000 satisfied customers
  • CARE - Hand washable with mild soap and water
  • 4in x 10in

  • The Lewis N. Clark Comfort Eye Mask provides seamless comfort whether you're traveling or at home. Consisting of 15D rip-stop nylon, this lightweight, breathable fabric ensures that you don't overheat while you're trying to sleep. With its soft cotton padding, your eyes won't feel any pressure either.

    The elastic strap adjusts from 15.8in to 27.6in, making it easy to customize according to your preferences, and can be worn by women and men. Additionally, this mask utilizes a buckle, not Velcro, so you won't get your hair tangled in it.

    While you can wear it as tightly or as loosely as you'd like, it will provide total darkness so you won't be disturbed by light whether you're on an airplane, at a hotel, or in your own bed. The soft ridge at the bottom provides extra protection against any light that might leak through. It can even be used to help with issues relating to irregular sleeping schedules, such as shift work, or for creating an ideal meditation space.

    With its superior ability to block light, you can't find a better value for your money with this pillowy soft eye mask. Don't lose another night of sleep!

    Brand: Lewis N. Clark, Model: 505-Black, Color: Black, Size: 1-pack

    Custom Tab 01

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