Lafe's Baby Foaming Shampoo & Wash, 12 Ounce

Lafe's Organic Baby
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  • Mild and fragrance-free foaming baby shampoo
  • Convenient dispensing pump
  • All natural, made with saponified oils
  • Cruelty-free, vegan and gluten free
  • Baby safe plastic packaging

  • Lafes Baby Foaming Shampoo and Wash is a mild and fragrance-free foaming baby shampoo and wash which leaves baby's skin soft and refreshed. Baby safe plastic is used in the packaging which contains no BPA, phthalates or harmful chemicals. 12 oz size. One percent of company profits go to support breast cancer awareness and prevention. A saponified oil soap just like grandma used to make. Mild and effective. Fragrance-free to reduce skin irritation and eczema. Great for the entire family. Use in the shower, bathroom and kitchen. We do NOT add chemicals to make the claim of “tear free” as that requires unsafe chemicals that numb the eye. Made with organic coconut, sunflower, olive and palm oil. Packaged in baby-safe plastic.
    Brand: Lafe's Organic Baby, Model: BBSG, Size: 12 oz

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