Kinesio Tex Gold FP Tape TWO Rolls 2" x 16.4' Black

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  • Two Rolls of Black 2" x 16.4'
  • Water-resistant and durable--each application lasts 3-4 days
  • Very light, with a thickness similar to that of skin
  • GoldWave pattern promotes air circulation
  • 140% elasticity with a heat-activated adhesive and latex-free

  • Kinesio Tape - Tex Tape Kinesio Tape is a super thin athletic tape, about the same thickness and the elasticity of skin and muscles. Kinesio Tape is made of a porous cotton fabric with a medical grade acrylic adhesive that allows the skin under the tape to breathe be cleaned while showering. Kinesio Tape uses a special method of adhesive application combined with the porous nature of the fabric works 'with' your body. The Kinesio taping method provides a full range of motion, support, and stability, without adversely affecting the natural range of motion. Kinesio tape is designed for a 30-40%% longitudinal only stretch and when applied, it lifts the skin and provides support for surrounding soft tissue. This Kinesio Tape is LATEX FREE and NON-MEDICATED. Kinesio Tex Tape was designed to be worn for 3 to 4 days without irritation; and an hour after application it will withstand athletic activity and showering without coming off. The water resistant type of taping Kinesio offers is necessary for the taping of hands and feet. Proper application does not require multiple layers; due to location of muscles, an application may cross over another application. What Does Kinesio Taping Do Kinesio Tape gives support and stability to your joints and muscles without affecting circulation and range of motion. It is also used for Preventive Maintenance, Edema, and Pain Management. It is a taping technique based on the body's own natural healing process. This Kinesio Taping exhibits its efficacy through the activation of neurological and circulatory systems. This method basically stems from the science of Kinesiology, hence the name Kinesio. Muscles are not only attributed to the movements of the body but also control the circulation of venous and lymph flows, body temperature, etc.
    Brand: Kinesio, Model: Tex GKT 45024, Color: Black, Size: 2" x 16.4'

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