HealthSmart Expandable Door Hinges, One Pair, Brass

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  • ADDS 2 INCHES TO DOORWAYS, ALLOWING BARRIER-FREE ACCESS for most wheelchairs, walkers and transfer chairs. The 3-hole side measures 2 x 3.5 inches.
  • AN EASY, INEXPENSIVE WAY to expand most doorway openings
  • DECORATIVE BRASS FINISH looks attractive
  • 2 DOOR HINGES per package

  • HealthSmart Expandable Door Hinges, Brass When you or someone in your home needs to use a wheel chair or walker, it can be challenging and expensive to accommodate your home by expanding doorways. The HealthSmart Expandable Door Hinges do the job quickly and easily at a fraction of the cost. The door hinges expand or widen your doorway openings by two full inches, allowing easy access. No more banging or scratching the door or scraping your knuckles as you try to pass through a too-narrow door! The hinges install easily in most doors, using the same screws and holes as the existing hinge.


  • Adds 2 inches to doorways, allowing barrier-free access for most wheel chairs, walkers and transfer chairs
  • An easy, inexpensive way to expand and widen most doorway openings 
  • Installs using the same screws and holes as the existing hinge
  • Decorative brass finish looks attractive
  • Comes with two hinges per package
  • Three-hole side measures 2 x 3.5 inches

  • Brand: HealthSmart, Model: 640-2006-0000, Color: Brass, Size: 2" x 3-1/2"

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