Garden of Life Organic Vegan Protein Powder with Vitamins and Probiotics - Raw Organic Plant Based Protein Shake, Sugar Free, Vanilla 22.0oz (1 lb 6 oz/624g) Powder
HIGH PROTEIN: 22 grams of complete, sugar free plant protein from USA-grown peas and 13 RAW organic sprouts
POST WORKOUT RECOVERY: Help your muscles recover with a clean nutritional shake and get back in the gym faster
VITAMINS AND MINERALS: This delicious vanilla protein powder includes fat-soluble RAW food created vitamins A, D, E and K
PROTEIN POWDER WITH PROBIOTICS: Tasty, 110 calorie smooth protein shake with 3 billion CFU probiotics and enzymes for easy digestion
VEGAN PROTEIN POWDER: Organic, gluten free, vegan, dairy free, soy free, non-GMO whole food protein
Unlock the nutritive power of living grains and seeds with Garden of Life RAW Organic Protein —a certified organic, RAW, vegan protein powder. Featuring 13 RAW and organic sprouts, RAW Organic Protein is an excellent source of complete protein—providing 22 grams and 34% of the Daily Value—including all essential amino acids. RAW Organic Protein contains RAW Food-Created fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and supports digestive health and function with live probiotics and protein-digesting enzymes. Brand: Garden of Life, Model: 101867, Color: Vanilla, Size: Canister
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