Full Circle FC14602R Mighty Wet/Dry Mop Refill

Full Circle
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Mighty Mop - 2-In-1 Wet/Dry Microfiber Mop Refill Removable and washable this refill does double duty as floor duster or mop. Keep your Mighty Mop working hard and your floors twice as clean by using this replaceable microfiber head.Whether you make your own cleaning solutions or purchase ready-made, we know that you're careful about what's in your home and what's used to clean your home. We can assure you there are no toxic chemicals or dyes in this refill it is made of Microfiber. Full Circle products use less energy and emit fewer greenhouse gases in production. By choosing products with replaceable parts, you've made a sustainable choice and committed to making the most of your resources. Machine Washable: When things get dusty or crusty, just throw your product in the washing machine for a quick pick-me-up without the fear of spreading harmful dyes. Push the button to remove the Mighty Mop head for replacement or washing. Use cold water with like colors and hang dry (or tumble on low). No fabric softener, please.

Brand: Full Circle

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