Expec Child's Cough Syrup 8.8oz (1 Ea) by Naturade

SKU: EZFB00014X070
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  • Children's Expectorant (Alcohol-Free) is an alcohol-free formula that helps loosen phlegm
  • thin bronchial secretions to rid the bronchial passageway of bothersome mucus and can ease sore throat due to excessive coughing
  • Naturade Children's Cough Syrup. Expectorant Herbal Formula that helps loosen mucus and ease minor sore throat due to excessive coughing.
  • Formulated for Children. Help loosen phlegm (mucus) and thin bronchial secretions to rid the passageway of bothersome mucus and make coughs more productive
  • Naturade, providing quality nutritional products for over 70 years.

  • Product Information from Naturade Children's Expectorant (Alcohol-Free) is an alcohol-free formula that helps loosen phlegm; thin bronchial secretions to rid the bronchial passageway of bothersome mucus and can ease sore throat due to excessive coughing. Children's Cough Syrup, Expectorant Herbal Formula that helps loosen mucus and ease minor sore throat due to excessive coughing. Formulated for Children. Help loosen phlegm (mucus) and thin bronchial secretions to rid the passageway of bothersome mucus and make coughs more productive. Naturade, providing quality nutritional products for over 70 years. Directions: For children 6 to under 12 years: 1 tablespoonful every 4 hours; Children 2 to under 6 years of age: 1 teaspoonful every 4 hours. Do not exceed 4 doses in a 24-hour period. For children under 2 years of age, consult a doctor. Ingredients: Active Ingredient: Each tablespoonful (15 ml) contains Guaifenesin 150 mg. Other Ingredients: Wild Cherry Bark, Menthol, Horehound, Cocillana Bark Extract and Rose Hips.
    Brand: Naturade, Model: 3489, Size: 8.8 oz

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