Ettore 16218 ProSeries Super System Washer, 18-Inch

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  • 18-inch washer with swiveling head allows for better scrubbing movement
  • Advanced microfiber sleeve is removable and machine washable
  • Rubberized comfort grip for easier cleaning when soaked
  • Fits all Ettore REA-CH extension poles for high reach cleaning

  • Super System washers are designed for the active "do-it-yourselfer" who wants to make windows sparkle without a lot of fuss. The tools feature non-slip-rubberized grip handles that have been designed to fit on tapered and Click-Lock extension poles for high reach cleaning. They feature an adjustable angled head that can pivot and get into even the most irregular shaped glass. The washers features a machine washable microfiber sleeve absorbs seven times its weight, thereby providing superior dirt absorption and release of cleaning solution.
    Brand: Ettore, Model: 16218

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