Dynamic Health Organic Certified Aloe Vera Juice Cranberry Flavor, 32-Ounce Bottle

Dynamic Health
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  • A natural source for vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, minerals, trace elements and rich in Mucopolysaccharides.
  • Can be used as a natural skin moisturizer.
  • Can be applied topically for relief from minor skin insect bites, skin irritation, sunburn and abrasions.

  • Aloe Vera has a long history as a safe and effective internal medicine and external skin care emolliant. Among the different varieties of the Aloe plant, the Barbadensis Miller exhibits the most effective beneficial properties. Taken internally, Aloe Vera has been shown to have various beneficial effects on the body. Aloe Vera Juice has been demonstrated to strengthen and fortify the following body systems: Digestion, Laxative, Immune System , Skin Care. Burns and Sunburn, Blood Circulation.Cranberry has long been linked to helping defeat urinary tract infections, and recent research is beginning to bear this out.How do cranberries help When a cranberry is in its juvenile state, it is green and bitter, making it unpalatable to most animals. This is a matter of survival. At this early stage, the cranberry produces a certain class of molecules known as flavonoids, substances that have been investigated for their nutritional benefits and antibacterial activity. Studies have shown that the particular flavonoids produced by the cranberry have a strong antibacterial effect.As the berry matures, it must propagate. To ensure that this happens, the plant transforms the flavonoid molecules to sugar molecules. ( so it will be more palatable for animals to eat and spread it's seeds ). This sugar molecule makes cranberry effective as a nutrient within the urinary tract. In the human body, different cells have unique receptor sites. In cranberries, the sugar unlocks a receptor site on the walls of the urinary tract.
    Brand: Dynamic Health, Model: 10082, Size: 32.00

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