This little ball massages trouble spots on hands and feet
Simply roll the stimulating fingers under feet or over your hands for fast relief
Use foot rubz anywhere, home, office, on a plane
Massage specific muscle groups on any part of the body
You control depth of massage by applied pressure
Effective in providing temporary relief from plantar faciitis
The Due North Foot Rubz massage ball stimulates acupressure points in your feet, hands and body, helping to relieve soreness and pain. It can even provide temporary relief from plantar faciitis. Roll this uniquely designed ball under your feet, in your hands or over any sore or tired muscle and feel the soothing stimulation that immediately begins to relax and eliminate your tension. You control the depth of massage with applied pressure to ensure the utmost relief of muscle soreness. Small enough to fit in the palm of the hand, this easy-to-use massage ball is great for use anytime, anywhere. Based on ancient Asian accupressure techniques, this little ball massages trouble spots on hands and feet. Brand: Due North, Model: DNFR1, Color: Green, Size: 1 Count
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